Ramstein Air Base Airport (RMS) Parking & Passenger Pickup
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RMS Ramstein Air Base Airport Parking & Costs
Ramstein Air Base parking, both short-term and long-term, is available.
Ramstein Air Base Short-Term Parking:
- Short-term parking is located in front of the Ramstein Passenger Terminal, Bldg 3333, located on Fairchild Avenue.
- Parking is limited to 4 hours
- You must display a blue parking disc in your window
- Parking discs are available at the BX and most German stores for a minimal fee
- Failure to display a parking disc, or parking longer than the allotted time, will result in your car being ticketed.
- Vehicles parked longer than 24 hours or parked in bus parking will immediately be ticketed and towed.
Ramstein Air Base Long-Term Parking:
- Contact Passenger Reps for details upon arrival
- Long-term parking is located in the parking garage on the corner of Fairchild and Lincoln Avenues
- There are two entrances - one on Fairchild, and one on Lincoln
- The long-term parking spots are on the fourth floor or higher.
- Long-term parking passes are available at the Passenger Service Centre, located inside of the passenger terminal