Fantastic site! It was a HUGE help on our recent trip to Thailand. We printed off some info before arriving, but also found a free wireless signal at the airport for our iPhone so we were able to access the site again before we hit the road. This was actually the only time we accessed the internet during our trip and it was a great help. A confident start set us on the right foot for the rest of the trip. Glad we didn't have to experience any horror stories. Thanks for the empowerment!
-- Joey in Vancouver, Canada.
You guys have done an incredible job with this site. The information is pretty much up to date and helpful. I will definitely be using this next time I travel!
-- Mike in Brisbane, Australia.
I just came across your website, and all I can say is Thank God and why haven't I known about you sooner! I hate that feeling of angst as one arrives to a terminal (whether that be ferry, bus, airport etc) and not knowing in advance what the rate should be. 
-- Cherie McCosker in Manila, Philippines.
With an imminent trip planned to Bankok in the coming weeks, and having just read an article on SMH.com, I felt empowered that someone was finally doing something for the everyday Joe! I've just read your suggestions for Bankok airport, and already I'm at ease. Instead of starting my holiday being ripped off, I now feel that I can arrive safely and calmly at my hotel, having paid the correct fare (which is what it's all about). Big thanks to Todd and Steve Romaine for their brilliant idea - wish I'd thought of it first!
-- Cameron Grant in Sydney, Australia.
This is a really great site-nice looking, very user friendly and with very helpful content.
-- Kerri in Toronto, Canada.
What a great idea. I'm going to pass this onto all of my traveling friends.
-- Kim Timothy in Victoria, Canada.
Couldn't have shared at a better time! We're off to Peru tomorrow so I checked stuff out on your site. Excellent work!
-- Diane Kettle in Halifax, Canada.
Will definitely make my life a little easier explaining to my clients about our airport and that of Jo'burg or Cape Town.
-- Joachim in Windhoek, Namibia.
You really are a genius my friend! I will spread the word.
-- Evangelia in Crete, Greece.
Your help before you go around the world!
-- Ramdan in Rabat, Morrocco.
Wow, great site - I could have used it for Bangkok last fall! Where did you get all your info for so many airports??
-- Holly in Victoria, Canada.
One heck of an idea - I will keep the link.
-- Ed in Edmonton, Canada.
It is really well done and very instructive as well; especially for North American travellers who can sometimes think that "the gaza strip" is some sort of comic book or that France is some sort of romantic country. It is certainly not romantic when trying to find a "taxi" at Charles de Gaulles Airport. There is no doubt in my mind that this site will be very successful; given its content.
-- Lanna in Montreal, Canada.
...it is certainly what is required as this is always a bone of contention with my people. I do sometimes buy transfers through a wholesaler but they are normally inflated as well. This site will provide a really good alternative to get some truthful information. I checked out Rome and loved the info on Taxi rip offs as this has happened to some of my clients in the past...
-- Murray Patterson in Dunedin, New Zealand.
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