Dealing with Lost Luggage
Image that you have just exited the plane and are now waiting for your luggage at the carousel. As time passes, people start to leave with their luggage, but there has been no sign of yours. Nothing can wreck your vacation or business trip faster than finding out that your luggage has decided to take a trip of its own.
We at IHateTaxis.com have had our luggage take several unplanned trips over the years, so we offer the following advice to travellers like yourself on how to arrive stress-free with your luggage.
 Preventitive Measures for Lost Luggage
The best method to deal with luggage loss is to take some preventative measures before you even start your trip. Here are some of our favourite suggestions:
- Do not book flights with tight connections. If you need to run from gate to gate in a connecting airport, then there is a very good change your luggage won't catch up with you. Avoid any domestic connections with less than one hour and any international connections with less than 90 minutes, if at all possible.
- What's in your carry-on? Always take the following items with you in your carry-on and NEVER check them: valuables, cameras, laptops, medicine, wallet, jewelry, passports, itineraries, and any other documents necessary for your travel.
 - If traveling with someone else, consider switching half of your clothing with what is in their luggage. That way if one piece is lost, then both of you have clothing for the first few days until your missing luggage catches up to you.
- Label the outside of your luggage. Buy a decent luggage tag (the free airline ones often fall off) or write your contact details right on your luggage with a marker or felt.
- Label the inside of your luggage with a colourful piece of paper placed in a spot noticeable when opened. Name, address, mobile phone number, email plus where you plan to be for the first few days of your trip. This measure is in case the outside tag is lost.
- Place something colourful on your luggage. It is amazing just how many black bags look similar on the carousel! Find a nice ribbon, stickers, or do not buy black luggage in the first place.
- Take a photo of your luggage and carry it with you for identification purposes.
- Can you bring everything with you in the cabin? If you can live without sharp objects and large quantities of gels and other restricted items for a few days, then consider this option.
- If you cannot bring everything with you as carry-on, then make sure to pack extra underwear, socks, and a shirt in your carry-on -- just in case.
- And finally, never check in late!
Written by Steve Romaine
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