Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Train & Subway Services
![Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Transfers](/images/driver1.png)
Have a private driver waiting exclusively for you at the Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal from USD 118 or book a safe and economical shared Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal shuttle transfer from USD 62.
Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Train Services
Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Train Recommendations
IHateTaxis.com recommends the Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal train service.
Getting from the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal to downtown Vancouver on public transit is easy using the bus and Canada Line combination.
Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Train Rates & Fares
Included in you bus ticket / transfer.
Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Train Details
![Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Train Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Train](/watermark/va1_train/VA1-Vancouver-Terminal-Train.jpg)
Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal train photo
While there is no Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal train, there is train service into Vancouver from Richmond; you just need to take a bus to get there. The Canada Line SkyTrain connects Vancouver International Airport, downtown Vancouver, Richmond City Centre and beyond to both Burnaby and Surrey (with a transfer).
Please see the Bus page for information on how to get from the Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal to the Canada Line.
Once you reach the Bridgeport Station by bus, head up to the Canada Line platform:
- To Vancouver Airport, catch a train marked Airport
- To Richmond, catch a train marked Brighouse
- To downtown Vancouver, catch a train marked Waterfront
More Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Transfer & Terminal Connection Options
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Information
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Distance to City Centre
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Currency Exchange
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal ATM & Cash Machines
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Wireless Internet Access
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Maps
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Flights, Arrivals, & Airlines
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Taxi Service
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Onsite Hotels
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Private Transfer Services
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Shared Shuttle Transfers
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Location & Address
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Train & Subway
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Hotel Shuttle Transfers
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Shuttle
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Buses & Coaches
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Limo & Private Car Transfers
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Car Hire/Car Rental
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Other Ground Transportation
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Parking & Passenger Pickup
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Stopover & Layovers
- Closest Airports to Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal
- Port of Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal Services & Amenities